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AYQON Executive Meeting No.1/2022

25 February 2022 | Read 728

25 February 2022 | Zoom
The annual meeting of AYQON Executive Committee was held on 25 February 2022 conducted via Zoom. The meeting was attended by representatives of 5 QA agencies from Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. There were two main talking points regarding the organization of AYQON Seminar 2022 and the request for updating the information of AYQON representatives. The upcoming event will be anticipated to organize in May 2020 through an online platform with the main theme focusing on Quality Assurance Practices during COVID-19 among ASEAN Member State: Lesson Learned, Adaptation and Way Forward”. Representatives from AYQON members both staff and external assessors will be invited to join in the AYQON Seminar 2022.
