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19 May 2022 | อ่าน 4,362 ครั้ง


Since 2008, ONESQA has been a member of the ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) and appointed to serve as an Executive Committee of AQAN;

2008-2010  Vice President
2011-2013  Vice President
2014-2017  President
2018-2020  Treasurer
2021-2023  Executive Committee Member

This network aims to strengthen the educational quality assurance systems of the ASEAN region. AQAN has developed the ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF) to be the guideline for higher education quality assurance and for the regional harmonization of higher education. ONESQA subsequently adjusted its QA system to be in line with the AQAF. ONESQA believes that AQAF is an effective tool that promises to yield favorable results which will be well-accepted and well-recognized in the ASEAN region and the international community.

Currently, ONESQA is a full member of several international networks, including the ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN), the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN), the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHEE), the CHEA International Quality Group, and the ASEAN Young Quality Assurance Officers Network (AYQON).


International Networks

ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN)
AQAN is a network of national external quality assessment agencies of 10 ASEAN Member States founded in 2008. ONESQA is one of the founding members of the AQAN. At present ONESQA was appointed to serve as an Executive Committee Member of the Network.


Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN)
ONESQA represents Thailand in becoming a member of APQN that it also used to serve as an Executive Committee Member of the network. As the network’s member, ONESQA has exchanged knowledge and experience in quality assurance with other agencies in Asia and the Pacific.


International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)

ONESQA has become a member of INQAAHE. As a member, ONESQA has been provided with an opportunity to exchange and discuss global issues, such as cross-border education, lesson-learned from EQAAs, as well as learning emerging trends in QA.


CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG)
ONESQA has become a member of CIQG since 2016. As a CIQG’s member, ONESQA can join hands with other members to encourage the use of the CIQG International Quality Principles as a shared understanding on quality assurance at the international level.


ASEAN Young Quality Assurance Officers Network
AYQON was established under the auspices of AQAN in order to sustain AQAN by encouraging young QA officers to play more active roles in the regional cooperation on quality assurance. At present ONESQA was appointed to serve as an Executive Committee Member of the Network.

