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Website Security Policy

Website Security Policy

22 February 2022 | อ่าน 3,526 ครั้ง

Website Security Policy

Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment

(Public Organization)


Prepared on August 1, 2014


Measures and methods for maintaining website security

Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) realized the importance To maintain the security of the website to protect the user's information from being destroyed. or intrusion from malicious people or those who do not have the right to access information Therefore, measures to maintain website security by using security standards. of advanced data with Secured Socket Layer (SSL) technology, which is a technology to enter data. Passcode at 128 bits (128-bits Encryption) to encrypt data that is transmitted over the Internet every time. that has financial transactions via the Internet of the Office of Education Standards and Quality Assessment Makes those who intercept information on the way can not continue to use the information. It uses encryption as the main security of information by the user can be observed from the name of the protocol. www.onesqa.or.th


Auxiliary technology used to maintain security

In addition to the measures and methods for maintaining security in general, the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) uses high-level technology such as following to protect your personal information

  1. Firewall is a software system that allows only those who have the right to Or only those approved by the National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) Office, will pass through the Fire Wall to access the information.

  2. Scan Virus besides the computer All machines that are serviced are installed with high-performance anti-virus software and regularly updated. Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) Also installed Scan Virus Software on the server especially as well.

  3. Cookies are small computer files that temporarily store necessary information on the requester's computer for convenience. and quick to communicate, however, the Office of National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) recognizes the privacy of users as well. Therefore, the use of cookies is avoided, but if it is necessary to use cookies, the company will consider it carefully and be aware of its security. And the privacy of the service user is the main  

  4. Auto Log off in using the services of the Office of Certification and Quality Assessment after discontinuing use should log off every time in the event that The user forgets to log off, the system will automatically log off within the appropriate time for each service. the safety of the service users themselves


Security advice   

Although the National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) Agency has high standards of technology and security methods to help prevent have access to personal data or your confidential information Without the powers mentioned above, however, it is generally known that Currently, there is no security system. to be able to absolutely protect your information from being destroyed or accessed by a person without power Therefore, you should follow the instructions. Regarding security, the following is also

  1. Be careful when downloading the program from the Internet to use it. You should check the address of the website first. Login to use the service to prevent in the event of website spoofing.

  2. should install a virus check system on the machine and try to improve Let the program check for viruses. Your machine is always up to date.

  3. Install a Personal Fire wall program to protect your computer from malicious attacks such as Cracker or Hacker.

