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Renewal of the MoU for EQA collaboration between ONESQA and JUAA

22 June 2022 | Read 1,844

Renewal of the MoU for EQA collaboration between ONESQA and JUAA

31 May 2022
In continuation of cooperation with EQA Agency in Japan, the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) signed the renewal of

the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) to strengthen their collaboration on external quality assurance. The MoU was signed by Dr.Nantha Nguantad, Acting Director of ONESQA and Dr.Kyosuke NAGATA, President of JUAA which took place at the ONESQA office in Thailand and the JUAA office in Japan.

Since the MoU was first signed in 2017, ONESQA and JUAA have collaborated on several activities related to EQA for higher education especially the staff exchange program which have been carried out for 6 times on different topics such as

“QA system in Japan, Thailand and Taiwan: Retrospect on 2020 and Prospect for
the future” conducted on 9 July 2021 and “Development of Training Program for Assessors and Evaluation Mechanism” conducted on 1December 2020. The staff exchange activities were provided the opportunity for their staffs to exchange views and bestpractices on the EQA systems developed and operated by each other and the current information and situation on EQA for higher education in each country.

The new MoU was signed for a further five-year period (2022-2027) to strengthen the relationship between the two organizations as well as to extend the areas of collaboration to develop the educational quality assessment system in both countries.
