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International Staff Exchange Program for ONESQA, JUAA, TWAEA

28 September 2022 | Read 1,671

The International Staff Exchange Program is one of the key aspects of the agency’s internationalization strategy on human resource development, as these prepare staff to operate effectively internationally.

On 26 August 2022 via Zoom, ONESQA, Thailand in collaboration with JUAA, Japan and TWAEA, Taiwan organized the 2022 International Staff Exchange with a focus on the topic of Human Resource Development of QA Agency Staff and the Role and Challenges of QA Professionals in the Future. The staff from the 3 agencies could learn from one another during the staff exchange and share perspective on human resource development for QA staff. Another objective is to generate ideas about the role and challenges of QA Professionals in the future.

In addition, now there's no denying that we are in an era of change such as digital transformation, the emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic which were an unexpected situation. Therefore, as a response to rapid and unpredictable changes, Quality Assurance Agencies always develop their human resource strategies to provide staff for further training and career development for each of staff and enhance skills and knowledge a staff needs to become more efficient in their current role or aspire to a more senior position.

Remarks: JUAA - Japan University Accreditation Association, TWAEA - Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association, ONESQA – Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment