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ONESQA Reestablished Communication with AQAN QA Team

22 March 2024 | Read 336

            ONESQA has conducted an online consultation meeting in cooperation with ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) Executive Committee Member (ECM): AQAN ECM No. 1/2024 taken place on Thursday, March 7, 2024.  The Zoom meeting took place for the first time after the period of disconnection over the past two years due to changes in administration and Covid-19 pandemic.   The session was led by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohammad Shatar bin Sabran, President & Chair, Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), Malaysia.   LCdr. Dr. Kittiya Evans, ONESQA Deputy Director and other members of the ONESQA foreign affairs staff had also attended this first of the fiscal year AQAN ECM session.

            The ECM session started with the opening remarks by the AQAN President. The latest online zoom meeting, AQAN ECM No.1/2022, was endorsed by the committee members. The Agency Review Report was discussed.  The proposed MOU between AYQON and National University of Battambang (NUBB) was considered. Additionally, due to the inactive status of the organizations, AQAN member fee was omitted for 2023.  Additionally, AQAN ECM discussed the preliminary process of nomination/election of the new AQAN President to serve for the term starting from January 2024 through December 2026.  The ECM also seeks a new AQAN Auditor responsible for overseeing the organization’s overall performance activities and financial accounts..  The guideline and specific procedures concerning the two positions shall be reexamined again in the next meeting expecting to take place in April 2024.          

            Altogether, the session was valuable in reestablishing the neededdialogue between ONESQA and AQAN executive team members.ONESQA looks forward to further collaborating with AQAN on planned EQA issues to ensure the success of joint ASEAN EQA multilateral project agenda. 
