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10 September 2014 | อ่าน 6,320 ครั้ง


Goals and Expected Outcome for 2011-2015

The Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) has set up its goals to develop education standards to be used in education quality assurance of all educational institutions. It is, therefore, mandatory that every educational institution at least undergo the external quality assessment in every five years.


The education quality assurance is an educational procedure established to entrust learners, parents, community and society with confidence and assurance that educational institutions will provide then with qualified and standardized education as stipulated by the set-up criteria. The collaboration between state and private sectors will additionally yield an invaluable benefit towards the education quality development and also undoubtedly enhance Thailand’s competitiveness in the world community.

ONESQA’s Expected Outcome and Goals for 2011 – 2015

  • To encourage a total of 61,510 educational institutions to carry out internal quality assurance so as to be prepared for 2011 – 2015 external quality assessment;
  • To train and certify external assessors:
    - 4,475 for basic education
    - 1,050 for higher education
    - 1,260 for vocational education;
  • To prepare and public external assessment manuals on 5 topics:
    - Basic Education
    - Higher Education
    - Vocational Education
    - Specialized Education
    - Non-formal Education;
  • To perform education quality assessment of 62,9541 educational institutions;
  • To create bodies of knowledge on educational quality assurance on 35 topics;
  • To prepare and submit annual reports on education quality of educational institutions, including educational policy recommendations for each institution and those of all levels upon the completion of the 5-year assessment program; and
  • To devise knowledge management plan and system.




The Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) plays a significant in performing educational quality assessment. Its aim is to develop qualified educational management system and administration for all education institutes where learners can be provided with opportunities to nurture themselves to become qualified grown-ups with virtue, competence and happiness through their life-long learning experiences and activities.




ONESQA is established with the aims of developing the criteria and methods for external quality assessment; assessing educational achievements in order to check the quality of educational institutions, bearing in mind the objectives, principles and guidelines for educational provision at each level as stipulated in the national education law. External quality assessment of all educational institutions will be made at least once every five years since the last assessment. The assessment outcomes will be duly submitted to the agencies concerned and the general public. The missions stipulated in the Royal Decree Establishing the Office include:


  • Development of the external assessment system; setting of the framework, direction and methods for efficient external assessment attuned to the quality assurance system of the educational institutions and the departments to which these institutions are attached;
  • Development of standards and criteria for external quality assessment;
  • Certification of external assessors;
  • Supervision and setting of standards for external assessment carried out by external assessors as well as certification of the standards. In case of necessity or for the benefit of study and research for development of the external assessment system, the Office may carry out an external assessment itself;
  • Development and training of external assessors; preparation of the training course content; and encouraging private, professional or academic bodies to participate in the training of external assessors for greater efficiency;
  • Submission of an annual report on the educational quality and standard assessment to the Council of Ministers, the Minister and the agencies concerned for consideration for policy formulation and budgetary allocation for education; as well as dissemination of the report to other agencies involved and the general public

